Atomic Blonde — Charlize sizzles here

Cast: Charlize Theron, James McAvoy, John Goodman
Rated: 6/10
The blonde is truly blonde — and truly atomic, more so as she treads as a shadowy spy agent in the murky environs of a world war Germany when the wall was high and the intrigues higher.
Charleze Theron, who is also the co-producer of this Mi6-CIA-KGB Cold War thriller, is brave enough to dominate the frames as a battered and steely assassin spy for a bulk of the de-briefing proceedings which keep popping back into the operation with layers and layers of intrigues, smoky buildings, kills, lesbian dalliance, mafia and a list of atomic bomb research which will shake the world if it comes out.

The fight sequences are perfectly choreographed and Theron is at the centre of them all. She fights the traditional kind of way — going for the goons with punches, black belts and precision hitting, taking to the gun only when she has reduced them to pulp any which way.

The film is a tightly edited, on the roll action thriller which keeps you engaged despite the fact that the lead hero is a woman who looks fit but is battered in the face for 50 per cent of the proceedings. So yes, she is atomic and yes she is a blonde.

Source: Sunday Pioneer, 13 August, 2017