Blue Planet II

*ing: David Attenborough
Rated: 8/10
BBC can seldom be faulted for their Nature series and Blue… is up there on the ladder of excellence. Narrated by Sir Richard Attenborough, atop a ship all set to explore the ocean waters and their deep from the Tropics to the Poles, the theatrical release of this upcoming TV series is interesting on many counts, including bring the harbourer of the trend of documentaries making it to cinema halls.
To see this episodic series in one go as a one-and-a-half-hour movie may seem too stretched but the uninterrupted experience of brilliant camera work, a compelling narrative and amazing sights and sounds of a marine world we are yet to fully explore or know the depth of, is much like a tugging thriller.
With summer holidays having begun, such docu-films should go houseful due to their high knowledge quotient which is stunningly unfolded. The underwater photography is amazing and the way fish life is explained makes this one resemble a thriller. Hopefully, from next time, such documentaries will become viable enough for PVR to run them for more than just a couple of days.

Here’s to many more such, now that PVR is expanding into newer spaces of entertainment.

Source: The Pioneer, 20 May, 2018