Lights Out: Scary as usual

Cast: Teresa Palmer, Gabriel Bateman, Alexander DiPersia, Billy Burke, 
Rated: 5/10
Scary, screamy and totally engrossing, this tale of a bad spirit with a skin disease is arresting. Opening in a warehouse where a very bad looking ghost brutally kills the owner after he gets off the phone with his wife, it sets the pace for the rest of the proceedings with elan.
You may say scary movies are scary movies, so what’s new. Nothing really is new but when it comes to scaring you, Lights Out does it as refreshingly as, I Know What You Did Last Summer did all those years ago.
The spirit, pegged on a mental asylum existence in real life, is made to look scary and completes her deadly death-dos in quick sweeps which is good as it keeps the fear factor at a high. The characters around this spirit, including a cuddly boy, his much grown up elder sister and his neurotic mother are all well fleshed out and help in keeping up the ambience of the tale.
A good one to be with if you want to miss breaths and cringe in fear over popcorn. 
Source: Sunday Pioneer, 24 July, 2016