Midnight Sun

*ing: Bella Thorne, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Rob Riggle, Quinn Shephard
Rated: 7/10
Romance has gone out of the system of cinema and if it comes visiting once in a while, it is twisted, post modern and mostly unromantic. There were times when the month of February the Hollywood would essentially come up with a groovy romance which you would await eagerly.
Not anymore. First, our film-makers do not have romantic inclinations. Second, the complexities of life irritatingly creep into a story making it complex and boring and even stressful, at times.
So when a sweet and simple old world film comes along in which there are two youngster totally focussed on love, with no intricate sub-plots coming along, you settle down after initial surprise.
The same goes for Midnight Sun where the girl suffers from a one in a million disease which entails that the sunrays never touch her. She lives her life behind special windows and comes alive only at night. The boy is someone she romances as a child by seeing him go past her window every single day from kindergarten to graduation.

Once love flowers, there is an ailment to take care of and a lot of emotions flow out in tears. Still, the film is moving, loving and interesting.
Source: Sunday Pioneer, 8 April, 2018