The Conjuring 2: It’s real and very spooky

Cast: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Frances O’Connor, Madison Wolfe
Rated: 7/10
It’s back, that scary movie which curdles your blood with just two words: “It’s true”. This time, ghost-tracker Ed Warren and his ghost-buster wife Lorraine are on a Church-handed see-over mission to England where a single mother and her three children are in the hold of an old man’s apparently evil spirit.
Amid all the tearing apart of the house, the unseen ghost (for a long time) on a rocking chair, the back-of-the-head-hovering camera and all other cinematic props, this haunted movie is as good as Conjuring 1, perhaps scarier, which is quite an achievement in itself.
The best thing about the film is that it does not scream you down with background accoustics but goes in all the good directions of a happening story, a sequence that refuses to break down and a set of actors who give you a veteran performance.
Lorraine, who has almost decided to let spirits be after she senses the death of her husband at the hand of the darkest force of a nun spirit, goes to England reluctantly but gets drawn into the trauma of the little girl who the dead old man possesses.
The film is taut, goes by the book (in this case as per the much reported case) and takes a fictional turn only in the end. According to whatever has been reported about the Enfield House in England, the case was never solved and the little girl was finally labelled a hoax. The film, however, does not agree. Today, Warren is dead for 10 years and Lorraine is 88. But the conjurings continue to haunt you on screen with class and polish.
A must see film of the week. Source: Sunday Pioneer, 12 June, 2016