War dogs; War dogs of placid kind

Cast: Jonah Hill, Miles Teller
Rated: 5/10
This one was meant to be the big one from Hollywood this week but War Dogs, despite carrying the alluring tag of “based on a true story” does not give too much too you.
The film centres around two arms dealers who make their millions on fraud, forgery and certain purchasing loopholes in the American Army.
Add their genius to the on-going Iraq War and Afghanistan misadventure, and Americans needing all kinds of arms for the twin disasters, and the story gets going. Only, it is too American and too flat to really make it to the imagination quotient of audiences worldwide. Despite the two main protagonists going illegally to flashpoints like Baghdad and then to the underbelly of a broken and war-damaged Albania, there is little to offer to the story to the pace and meat of the story that one knows rocked America in real life not too far back into the past.
Can be missed as a money saver. Source: 
Sunday Pioneer, 21 August, 2016