5 simple, pocket-friendly and nutritious eating tips for kids during Covid

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The Covid-19 pandemic brought everyone under pressure, especially the mothers who have to think of cooking dishes that are liked by their kids.

Kids are kids, they like eating their favourite food every now and then. But, not everything they eat is nutritious and gives them immunity to fight the disease.

It is very important to keep a balance of both healthy and snacky food so that children don’t end up getting caught by any disease.

Here are a few healthy eating tips that can be included before during or after the meal:

1. Keep up the fruit intake
Fruits are the highest source of nutrition. Prepare a few items of fruit salads and shakes for your kids if they don’t like to eat them in their original form. Fruits that have higher water content such as apples, green apples, pineapples, watermelon etc must be included in the list. You can also sneak them in the form of smoothies.

2. Give them healthy snacks
Kids love to eat snack items, but it isn’t always possible to give them those junk food items that are hazardous to their life. However, it’s better to give them semolina halwa, semolina kheer, fried rice balls, and other healthy snack food items. Kids do love eating pancakes with honey or chocolate syrup on it.

3. Milk products
Milk is extremely rich in calcium and so are its substitutes. Hence, cottage cheese paratha (Paneer paratha), yoghurt (rich in protein and calcium), cheese etc. Calcium is a vital element for kids’ developing bones.

4. Non-vegetarian items
The growing kids need some rich health supplements that may help in increasing their stamina and immunity level. Don’t just restrict yourself to healthy drinks. Give them those nutritious elements that are high in protein, minerals, vitamins, calcium and other carbohydrates. Some rich sources of these nutrients are eggs, chicken, fish and mutton.

5. Homemade cookies
Homemade cookies are a nutritious snack for kids that tastes very delicious. If you are making banana cookies then you can avoid using sugar. The cookies will get their sweetness from those mashed bananas. You can also add mixed nuts to the batter to make it more nutritious.

Kids often get hungry between meals. A healthy snack that has all the rich nutrients can give your kids energy and help them get at least some nutrients on a daily basis.