Ever tried these mouth-watering Dahi ke Pakoras?

If you have never tasted this mouth-watering dish while fasting or on casual days, then you have missed out on something really marvellous. Add Dahi ke Pakore to your menu during your Navrati fast and enjoy this dish. 




1 kg low fat cow milk

250 gm singhara atta 

4 boiled potatoes mashed

Rick salt as per taste 

Crushed black pepper 1 tsp

Oil for frying pakoras 

2 tsp sugar powder 



Step 1: Beat the curd to make it lump less and smooth.

Step 2:  Add rock salt to taste 

Step 3: Mix in the black pepper and sugar 

Step 4:  Mix well and refrigerate  

Step 5:  Mix the mashed potatoes in singhara atta till the potato lumps merge into the flour.

Step 6: Add salt and pepper

Step 7:  Make a batter of these ingredients using some water.

Step 8:  Mix well till all atta lumps get dissolved in water

Step 9:  The batter should be like idli batter 

Step 10: Make small balls of the batter and drop them gently into the Kadhai with heated oil.

Step 11: Fry on medium flame till pakoras turn to maroon.

Step 12: Take them out and immerse them in a bowl of water.

Step 13: After five to six minutes squeeze out the water from each pakora and drop them into the prepared curd.

It is now ready to eat. If not refrigerate and take out whenever you want to have it



Sugar is optional but if the curd is sour you should put adequate sugar in the dahi to make it edible.

Do not put the pakoras directly into the curd. The water dip does not just make them softer but also healthier as the oil gets squeezed out.

You can use an air fryer too for pakoras if deep-fried is an issue.

However, I often found that the air fryer pakoras have an uncooked belly.