5 ways to stun your Professor this Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s Pride

So what if it’s a Sunday and it’s Teachers Day! Worry not! Tomorrow is yet another day. You can still connect with your mentor, teacher, guide in many ways. All you need to do is prepare on Sunday and surprise him or with your special tribute in your Monday class.

Here are five fun ways to say Thank You to your teacher for all the effort he or she has put in.

1. Greet her in class with a Thank You screen background
Believe me, the teacher will be happily surprised by your gesture. Prepare the screen and share it with all your classmates, asking them to appear in the online class with this screen in the background. It is never too late to show gratitude.

2. Prepare an online skit in her honour



Even if the pandemic has restricted you to your homes, connect with your classmates on WhatsApp and prepare a skit detailing one day in the life of the students with this particular teacher. You could record it separately at home and then put it together through one of the many free online editing software available. However, this takes time so forward planning is a must.

3. Sing for her in class
I am sure there are very many singers amidst you who could put together some teacher songs to in gratitude and appreciation of the teacher. It will be a moving moment for her. There are a plethora of karaoke apps where you can put in the background score as per the song. Nothing is more emotional than a good old song in someone’s honour.

What’s more beautiful than singing a song for your teacher as a tribute to her?

4. Become the teacher for the class
Seek permission from the teacher to allow you 20 minutes to present your version of her. Conduct a class as she does with one of you playing the teacher. All past incidents in the class as also the teacher’s mannerisms can be translated into this performance and there will be all-around applause.

Swap the positions for a day.

5. Surprise her with full attendance and homework done by all
Last but not the least, there is no teacher who will be happier with anything else as opposed to full attendance and all assignments submitted by all students! Yes, it will take some time and commitment but do it for her and make her happy. In fact, shock her with the promise that the semester will see this regularly from you!

A full-attendance during the class would actually startle your professor!