7 hacks to get on top of your time

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Do you really feel that you don’t not finding a minute for yourself? Worry not, we have the perfect tips to find those precious moments despite your ultra-busy schedule. Here’s how:

1. Club similar tasks

If you bunch all your similar tasks together then it will become easier for you to plan your day. You will have a planned checklist in front of you to tackle them respectively.

2. Diet plan

It takes more time to decide what to cook than cooking itself. Make a timetable in which you can mention the entire week’s meals and execute it throughout the week. Enough of standing clueless in front of the cupboard and thinking what to cook.

3. Put things back once used

How many of us keep things back at their original place? One such reason for not doing this could be the lack of responsibility towards our belongings. You spend minutes/hours for that one thing and that’s all wasted time.

4. Delegate tasks

Don’t follow the one-man show principle otherwise, you will become a martyr in your house. Seek your family members’ help and get them involved so that in the end you’re able to get some time for yourself.

5. Iron clothes a night before

Deciding what to wear is another level of stress, but what’s more stressful is when you are already at work and have to iron clothes before wearing them. Iron them the night before so that you are free from doing such chores in the rushed morning.

6. Plan your day

Sit down at night post-dinner and make a plan for your day and decide how you execute it. This makes it easier to prioritise the work and accomplish them accordingly.

7. Learn to say ‘No’

We often say Yes to tasks because we don’t want to hurt or offend friends or be unhelpful. But it would be better if you say No sometimes. Being conscious of ourselves and time is not selfishness, but smartness.

Try these methods and you will be able to witness the new you.