Hic, hic hurray! Grab a beer for good health

Let’s not beat about the bush. Beer is an alcoholic drink, Period! And, there is a lot that goes against it. But a lot more goes for it too. This National Beer Drink Day, we bring you the five reasons you can sip the barely for good health.

1. Washes out kidney stones
This is the only time elders will tell you why you should go for an alcoholic beverage! When my mother-in-law who hails from the countryside of Himachal Pradesh where trafition is as well preserved as the snow on the hilltops, told me to drink a glass of beer everyday for at least a week, I was stunned. She said it is the best way to flush out kidney stones, gall stones without surgery or fuss. Some swear by this but moderation drinking is the key here!

2. Its natural, unprocessed
Bo additives, no preservatives, no chemicals, no harm. Beer is only fermented, filtered and bottled so it is in its purest form and that’s the reason why it never stales or withers. And what’s natural is healthy. So go for it, but keep it at a glass a day.

3. Beer is low on calories
Ever since I was born, I have been hearing about this dreaded but most common beer ponch, a scourge that can make you instantly identify a beer guzzling male. But now evidence suggests beer has less calories that a glass of orange juice without added sugar, beer has no fat or cholesterol and beer accords you longevity. I will take all this in but with a pinch of salt!

4. Liquid stress releas
Relax, chill, engage in a friendly banter with your friends and take a break from work stress – all you need to do is pop up a vottle of soda as the Americans call beer. So beer is your ultimate psychologist, your social friend that puts you at ease and into conversations. So, take a break, take a beer.

5. Good cholesterol is beer pal
Yes, it’s apparently true. Beer is not just alcohol free but also is like almond for the HDL in your heart. As it flushes your system, beer acts as a cleansing agent. The reccomendation is just one pint a day keeps the doctor away. So make it the almond of your eye and you are through to a healthy heart, a healthier mind and the healthiest of physical state.