Farmer unions suspend agitation, protesters to head home from December 11

Finally, farmers’ agitation will came to an end.

The Samyukta Kisan Morcha, an umbrella body of 40 farm unions, announced the suspension of its agitation after they received a formal letter from the Modi government accepting their pending demands which include withdrawal of police cases against the protesters and on MSP.

However, they will celebrate December 11 as ‘Vijay Diwas’ and take out victory marches following which they will head home.

“Considering that the nation is mourning the demise of CDS Bipin Rawat and his associates, SKM decides to postpone all celebrations with regard to the victory of farmers, and celebratory rallies will be taken out day on December 11th, when farmers leave the morcha sites together in victory rallies.

SKM dedicates the historic victory of the struggle to around 715 martyrs of the movement, including those in Lakhimpur Kheri.

Farmer leaders said they would meet on January 15 to see if the demands have been fulfilled by the government.

“This is not the end as the movement is just suspended. we have decided to meet again on January 15,” SKM core committee member Balbir Singh Rajewal said at a press conference.

Farmers, mainly from Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, started protesting at Delhi border points — Singhu, Tikri and Ghazipur — on November 26, 2020 against the three controversial farm laws. The laws were repealed by Parliament on November 29.