IAS officer clinches Silver at Paralympics, creates history

Gautam Buddh Nagar (Noida) District Magistrate and shuttler Suhas Yathiraj has created history by becoming the first-ever IAS officer to win a Paralympics medal.

The 38-year-old Yathiraj, who was outdone by top seed French rival Lucas Mazur in a thrilling Final, draw kudos from all serving officers and the nation as well when he won the Silver medal in a thrilling encounter.

Suhas, who is impaired by his left ankle, missed the gold narrowly after an intense performance which resulted in a 21-15 17-21 15-21 clash with two-time world champion Mazur winning in a 62-minute clash.

“Congratulations Suhas L Y, IAS, DM G B Nagar (Noida) for winning the silver medal in men’s singles SL4 para-badminton at Tokyo Paralympics. We and the entire nation are proud of you,” the IAS Association, a group of serving and retired central administrative officers, tweeted.

You can support the yeomen effort of Yathiraj by commenting on #Cheer4Suhas, a trending buzzword on social media as also #Cheer4India.