Union Cabinet approves bill to repeal three farm laws; bill to be tabled in Parliament

The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved a bill to repeal the three farm laws, which triggered protests at Delhi borders by thousands of farmers, and will be tabled in Parliament during the upcoming winter session for passage.

On November 19, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address to the nation had announced the withdrawal of the three farm laws. He had also urged them to end the protest and return home.

The Cabinet has approved the Farm Laws Repeal Bill, 2021 to rollback the three laws passed by Parliament in September last year, with an objective to bring reforms in the agriculture sector, especially marketing of farm produce.

The three laws to be repealed are: Farmer’s Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act; The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act; and The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act.

The Cabinet has completed the formalities to repeal the three farm laws, I&B Minister Anurag Thakur said. “In the upcoming session of Parliament, it will be our priority to take back these three laws,” he said.

The winter session will begin on November 29, and conclude on December 23.

The Farm Laws Repeal Bill, 2021 has been approved days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement to repeal the three central farm laws. Besides this, Parliament is scheduled to take 25 other bills, including one on crypto currencies.

The repeal of the three farm legislations has been one of the key demands of around 40 farmer unions protesting against these reforms for nearly a year now.