Covid-19: Europe in war mode to stop pandemic surge

The pandemic is surging all over again and like the first time, Europe is the epicentre with Austria, Germany and other nations getting into war shoes to fight back the deadly virus with lockdowns and whatever else it takes, public protests notwithstanding.

One wonders why Europe is the most vulnerable to this virus. There could be two reasons.

The general herd immunity continuing to be low and the vaccinations being at the lower end, as compared to Asia where inoculations are at an all time high.

Also, Western nations have shown a hesitancy in taking the vaccines with many, including the medical community in the west, refusing to go for it, citing non empirical studies before emergency use release.


As Europe battles yet again, here is all you want to know about what is happening in Europe.

  • Austria has entered its fourth national lockdown on Monday. However, tens of thousands of people protested in Vienna against renewed curbs on movement.

  • The Czech Republic and Slovakia banned unvaccinated people from pubs and services after a surge in cases filled hospitals’ intensive care wards.
  • Hungary: People were lining up for Covid-19 shots outside Budapest’s main hospitals.
  • Germany will promote Moderna for Germans seeking booster shots as high demand for the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine risks depleting stocks and derailing efforts to tame a fourth wave.
  • In France, proof of vaccination or a recent negative test is required to go to restaurants and cinemas.
  • Riots broke out in cities across the Netherlands as police clashed with mobs of angry youths who set fires and threw rocks to protest at Covid-19 restrictions. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte lashed out at “idiot” rioters who rampaged through cities across the Netherlands this weekend in protests against coronavirus policies.