Covid-19 still not over. Europe is new epicentre

Europe has become the pandemic epicentre yet again. Countries across this continent are considering lockdown or other methods to contain the rising corona cases.

The World Health Organization’s report for the week to November 7 showed that Europe, including Russia, was the only region to record a rise in cases, up by 7 per cent. The report also talked of the 10 per cent increase in deaths, while other regions reported a decline.



Most EU countries are deploying extra shots for the elderly and those with weakened immune systems.

* German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged unvaccinated people to reconsider their decision about vaccination. The seven-day incidence rate – the number of people per 1,00,000 to be infected over the last week – rose to 277.4 on Saturday in Germany. The record in the third wave of the pandemic last December was 197.6.

The German Government is mobilising 12,000 soldiers by Christmas to assist overrun healthcare services which will provide booster vaccinations and tests in care homes and hospitals.



* The Netherlands has entered partial lockdown from Saturday to control the rising Covid-19 cases.

* Russia has published a draft proposal which requires QR codes as proof of immunity to Covid-19 from air and railway travellers up to June 1.

* Norway will offer a third Covid-19 vaccine dose to everyone aged 18 and above.

* From December 1, Italy will also offer the third dose to people over 40.

* Latvia’s Parliament, one of the least vaccinated countries in the EU, voted on Friday to ban lawmakers who refuse vaccination from voting on legislature and participating in discussions.