At 23, Google is God Almighty of connectivity

Google turned 23 today with a boastful journey from a humble garage to Cloud 9, in the process of changing the world behaviour, needs and wants forever and ever.
Here are its five best inventions that touch and mould lives in all corners of the world.

1. Google Search
This can qualify at the globe’s biggest, most extensive and all-pervasive search without which life will seemingly cease to exist, or should we say move. The Google search engine has made the biggest change in global existence ever since the caterpillar metamorphosed into a butterfly.

2. Cloud Platform
Can you now think of an existence without parking your stuff on Google’s Cloud services? Your pictures, your data, your e-commerce, your everything Internet can operate only within the realm of this platform. Go out of it, and you are the robot without a battery, still and dead forever.

3. Bots and Algorithms
An entire workforce in all kinds of companies is appointed and works on how to get into the eye of the Google bot and how to sync its content with the ever secretive, ever-changing, never fathomable Google algorithms. These algorithms decide whether your presence will be there in the online space at all powering your money and your reach, or you will be a faceless senseless operation without fan or fallowing.

4. Google Maps
You wonder how Google did it? How did it map all the nooks and crannies in the world across nations? How do its AI-based Google Map services manage to track traffic congestions and give you a road map that reaches your destination faster than you could ever imagine? Google Map is one invention that continues to be mind-boggling.

5. Google Analytics
The biggest ever online network of Google’s search analysis robots analyse your data and your relevance in the online space. You are reading you, who is visiting you, how you can become the top crawler on Google search with your content all this and much more is given by Google Analytics for you to make the best of online life. Listening to conversations, knowing what people are talking about or doing or searching online, Google gives you a definite push in the right direction, moulding your content to people’s choices.